Thursday, December 10, 2009

Treason at Copenhagen

When the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made the announcement this week that it has declared carbon dioxide (CO2) and five other gases as “a danger to human health,” it fired the most lethal salvo yet into what little sovereignty remains of our constitutional republic. With her so-called “endangerment finding” declaration, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson made clear that this declaration will lead to new regulations under the Clean Air Act to govern emission standards for cars, power plants, crude-oil refineries, chemical plants and all other “environmental suspects” in the economic engine that drives the U.S. economy.  It appears that the act of exhaling when breathing will now become regulated.

In making this announcement on the same day in which the United Nations climate change conference began in Copenhagen, Denmark, Jackson was making it clear that when Obama attends the last day of the conference, he will be able to unilaterally commit the United States to a binding, international treaty that will begin the process of ceding our national sovereignty to a body of UN bureaucrats.  It is designed to make Obama look like “the savior” since the coming EPA regulations will practically force the US into signing a “Cap-and-Trade” bill to lower its carbon footprint to such a low target that will make U.S. economic growth virtually unsustainable. 

In light of the recent ClimateGate revelations, in which some 3,500 emails from the Climate Change Unit (CCU) at Britain’s University of East Anglia revealed the extent to which man-made global warming backers went to illegally skew real climate data in order to cover and hide the truth, the EPA should not be making this announcement, let alone hinting at further regulation. Because “man-made” climate change is not real, and every delegate at the UN conference knows it, the EPA’s actions are a means to hurry a final agreement before the masses really discover just how they have been lied to about the “urgency” of “global warming.”

It is an absolute scandal that the head of the UN panel of climate scientists have decided to attack the entire ClimateGate affair as nothing more than a way to undermine the credibility of the organization. Despite the fact that they were caught red-handed from the content in these emails, these hypocrites choose instead to lash out at those who exposed the fraud rather than try to come clean on what really is going on. The emails are directly from “respected” climate scientists, who, in their own words, exchanged messages that say real climate temperatures have not really risen to dangerous levels. Rather than try to find out why this is the case, they decided to engineer methods to keep all opposing viewpoints from being argued while covering real data with false data to match their own desired  “results.” 

The lack of any acknowledgement by the delegates at Copenhagen, and by our own President and the members of his radical leftist administration have been deafening.  If this is the so-called “science” on which Obama happily bases his actions in leading our national sovereignty to slaughter in a binding treaty, without question and without the support of Congress, it is akin to an act of treason against our constitutional republic. 

The Copenhagen conference is not about “man-made global warming,” it is about setting up an international, global supervisory body under UN auspices, in order to facilitate the transfer of national wealth and sovereignty from wealthy nations to the Third World. It is not about trying to save the planet, rather it is a means of controlling individual freedoms and getting your income in a global tax in order to transfer your income to bring about a lower standard of living in the developed world to match that of poor and corrupt nations.  In reality, this is about punishing success and free enterprise, especially the United States. 

Under the Treaty Clause in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, the President of the United States is only empowered to make treaties with other nations only after obtaining the consent of a two-thirds supermajority of the United States Senate. This has not yet happened, nor will it before Obama goes to Copenhagen with the EPA declaration. Yet the Obama administration has indicated that the President will sign a binding treaty which will force the U.S. to commit to a twenty percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2020. Of course, the socialist European climate scammers are excited by Obama’s arrival in Copenhagen armed with bureaucratic, top-down command-style regulation rather than a legitimate mandate based on Congressional legislation. After all, they are unelected power-hungry bureaucrats who are excited to see this president doing everything in his power to literally destroy the liberty, sovereignty and power of the United States from within., is 1. The offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. A violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state. 3. The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery., as defined at   If Obama attempts to surrender our national sovereignty to an unelected bureaucracy at Copenhagen, which is openly known to be based on junk science which is founded on fraudulent data, he knows that he will undermine our economic health, military strength and standard of living, while forcing us to pay taxes to an unelected, global body where we are not represented. He knows he will be bypassing the required legislative process as defined in the U.S. Constitution, therefore trampling our guaranteed liberties and rights as citizens of the United States and protected by the U.S. Constitution. Based on the definitions as stated, I believe Obama will meet most of the definitions for treason.   If we are going to continue standing idly by while Obama’s radical left leads us down the path of intentional destruction, and we do not start peacefully speaking up to the current Administration’s total disregard for the laws set in our Constitution, then we will not survive as an independent nation much longer.   The coming House cleaning in November 2010 will go a long way toward restoring a real check on Obama’s current unbridled power.   Climategate: Barack Obama’s rule by EPA decree is a coup d’etat against Congress, made in Britain.

Who needs tanks on the lawn when you have the Environmental Protection Agency? Barack Obama’s use of the EPA to pressurise the Senate to pass his climate change Nuremberg Decrees shows his dictatorial mentality. He wants to override Congress, which is hostile to his climate gobbledegook because it is representative of the American electorate, and sideline the nation’s elected Senators by ruling by decree, courtesy of the EPA. This is a coup d’état.

And what is the justification for this undemocratic action? The allegedly imminent threat from “Anthropogenic Global Warming”. There is always a supposed threat, when tyrants take the stage. The President of the United States has just reduced his moral authority to the level of any Third World dictator heading a “Government of National Emergency”. Fortunately, the world’s leading democracy, which he is trying to subvert, has guarantees of liberty so deeply embedded in its Constitution that US citizens are well placed to fight back.

In the first place, regulation can be challenged in a way that laws cannot. So the EPA’s proposed ruling on so-called “Greenhouse Gases” can be opposed extensively with litigation, to the point that the ruling might not yet be in force when Obama demits office. In the second place, the EPA is funded by Congress. So, if the Agency is being used to bypass or neuter Congress, why should legislators not play hardball and retaliate by cutting off its funding? The EPA may look formidable, but its situation is rather as if Rommel were buying the fuel for his tanks from the Allies.

But what is of compelling interest on this side of the pond is the way in which the bullets to shoot down American democracy were made in Britain. The trail is not hard to follow. When the EPA published its “Endangerment Finding” on greenhouse gases and proposed rule, back in April, almost every paragraph of the text (Federal Register, April 24, 2009, pp 18886-18910) cited as authority the IPCC’s 2007 Report, which the Agency acknowledges it “relies on most heavily”. And whence came the main input on climate change to that report?

Yes, that’s right! You’ve got it: from Phil Jones, Michael Mann and the rest of the lads at the CRU, East Anglia. From the innovative, creative “scientists” who wanted to “beat the crap” out of a climate change sceptic; who “just completed Mike’s Nature trick”; who “can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t”; who deleted e-mails in the interests of science; who tried to prevent publication of dissenters’ views; who coined the historic phrase “hide the decline”.

Those jokers are the main authority for the extravagant claims in the IPCC report and, by extension, for the EPA’s “Endangerment Finding”. That is the authority that is being invoked to overturn the principles of 1776 in the United States. The Protocols of the Elders of Norwich are the justification for EPA tyranny. It is with that weighty evidence at his back that Barack Obama is going to Copenhagen to sell out American taxpayers to Third World subsidy junkies, profiteering “green” corporations and the ever entrepreneurial Al Gore. This is the steal of the millennium: forget the Great Train Robbery and the Brinks Mat caper – these hoodlums are targeting $45 trillion.

Obama hates America and, increasingly, that sentiment is being reciprocated. This is a socialist, World Government putsch. Have the American people the resolution to resist it? We shall soon know.

Climate treaty endangers USA

Hanging over our free­dom and sovereignty is a document called the“United Nations Climate ChangeTreaty.”

So what, you may say?

Here’s what.The plan is to have signatories from all countries –Third World, radical leftist nations, and us. Unless we forbid President Obama to sign up America, we’ll be caught in this awful net.

Here’s what it says: 1. Create a world government with power over every nation signing; 2.Transfer wealth from the West to theThird World; 3. Enforce these measures.

Now let’s explore what these measures mean to us.

The first one creates a social­ist world government, some­thing our president appears to advocate.The wording provides the U.N. with power over our country, over our Constitution.

Yes, this world government will have power over our govern­ment, imposing its will on our energy use, resources and jobs.

Can you live with that?

The second will force Ameri­can taxpayers to support and subsidizeThird World nations – unstable countries, with no economies nor the capacity to rule themselves without dicta­tors.

In effect, this is redistribution of wealth, reducing the U.S. to Third World status and impov­erishing our citizens. If you think the economy and unem­ployment are bad now, just wait until this treaty goes into effect – IF we allow our president to sign it!

The third goal of the treaty is the most ominous. Stated in the document is the proviso that once a nation has signed, it may not cancel its membership without the approval of all the other member nations. Let that sink in. No future president, no elected Congress or Senate can vote to take us out of the agreement. And why would they agree to let us out – we will be the biggest cash cow they’ve ever had!

Recently, theTimes printed an ominous article, quoting agencies of the U.N. and other governmental entities, includ­ing alarming statistics about the impending doom of the alleged global warming. Coincidentally, all these groups are dedicated to a one-world government control­ling all energy and economies.


the EPA has circumvented congress by doing this..tricky but blatant..declaring carbon dioxide hazardous wtf..plants dont grow without it..we dont live without it..and we send it out into the atmosphere when we ian plimer says..maybe we better save the planet and just :)

more lies…



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