Sunday, February 7, 2010

Shopping in the States with Dollarpig

Most of you know the feeling when you go shopping in the States as a person from Western Europe. The American Brands are so cheap, everywhere discounts and specials and on top of that the buying power of the strong Euro. For all of you who might not have the time to go to NY just for shopping (you have to buy a lot in order to make up the costs involved to get there) and want to avoid unnecessary flights (our climate will thank you for this) there is a new service called Dollarpig. A woman from Germany has started this service after she was asked by so many persons to send them products from the States (after she moved to the states). The great thing about this service is that you will know how much a purchase costs at the end of the day. It is such a hassle to order goods from the abroad because of the shipping costs, taxes, customs etc.

This service probably won’t scale that much because at a certain point the brands will have a close look at it, because they usually don’t like that consumer’s benefit from price differentiation for different markets.


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