Key West sunset with sailboat silhouette
A beautiful sunset to close this wonderful road trip (and I have 24Gbs of photos to process upon coming back). I shot only stock style during the past 3 weeks. Lots of new panoramics and lots of HDR. Can’t wait to get on photoshop. I’m not sure if tehre’s a lot of sale potential, but it sure was fun to shoot.
The last day was perfect. The gorgeous weather was just right, sunny, but not humid and not too warm, and the food excellent. We had our best meal yet at the Marquesa Café, another great restaurant, and this one has surprising dishes, full of layers and different tastes that dovetail into on pleasant swirl of greatness. The cook, it seems, has been there for 40 years, perfecting her menu. It shows. This is mastery. Save your money, come to Key West and dine there. It’s almost worth the trip by itself. A really great way to celebrate my 5 ears anniversary with Ben (has it been this long already?)
I did go to the pier to shoot the sunset. What a circus. There must have been 100 people, on a little corner of a pier (about the only place where you can get an non-obstructed view of the ocean) and as many cameras clicking away. It was like a press conference or a runway show. I was wise to arrive an hour early. The ultimate downfall of Key West I find, apart from the geriatrics taking over the city and the fees to view historical places ($12 per head to walk around Hemingway’s house? really? I’d rather save and go back to Marquesa) is how every inch of real estate is built and used, and walking around becomes a bit suffocating. The city unfortunately is not photogenic at all because of this. You can never get a clean shot without having tons of distracting elements all over the place. The beautiful houses, for instance, are built very close to the street and are hidden by unkempt trees, garbage cans, electric wires and posts, cars, signs and more. Insane. Hotels may appear huge in the adds, but in reality they’re a bunch of small buildings tightly built next to one another with minuscule pools. The beach at the Hyatt is a joke: slightly larger than a kid’s sand box. I refer here to the historic district of course as I haven’t been to the family-mall area.
Well, the next three days will be non stop driving with pit stops to sleep and eat. I guess we’ll hop from one Cracker Barrel to the next: as far as fast food goes, that was the best we found.
[Via http://mccomberphoto.wordpress.com]
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