Harry Reid Senate Majority Leader and Nevada’s Senator political career maybe over with the racially toned remarks made about Barack Obama now President of the United States. Reid who has in the past been called the accidental leader is clearly living up to the name ‘accidental’. However he has taken the Senate to the brink of passing the historic and controversial Health Care Reform Bill working with several misguided reluctant Democrats, the Republicans who say no on everything and two unpredictable independents.

Jim Manley said that ‘ Nevada has always been his focus, he may not be a showboat who brags about everything he’s doing, but he fights hard everyday .’
Republicans are calling for his head saying that if it was one of them the President would react differently and the press. Maybe they have a point but are they really concern about his remarks against Barack Obama or are they just trying to score political points.
[Via http://alonsohenry.wordpress.com]
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