Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mariana Musings (10-29-09)

Some whiny ass Christian recently got fired from Home Depot for wearing a pin with the phrase “One nation under God, indivisible” written on it. Since he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer he thinks he’s being attacked for his religion and his patriotism and he’s just ever so confused.

Newsflash buddy; you don’t get to play martyr until someone tries to feed you to a lion. Or sponsors a campaign to add a constitutional amendment banning Christian marriage. You broke the dresscode, and when your employers politely and patiently tried to compromise with you (they offered him the chance to wear a “United We Stand” pin), you threw it in their faces and refused. Then they justly canned your ass.

Not coercive or theocratic in the slightest.

You see, Home Depot is a business. They want to make money. When you abuse your status as an employee to advertise your political and religious beliefs you inevitably alienate vast swaths of their potential customer base. This is bad for business. You weren’t just being obnoxious, you were being a bad employee.

And quit pretending to “love [your] country.” You were showing utter contempt for the United States with that pin. You cannot love the United States and brandy about the pledge of allegiance at the same time; the values of these entities are polar opposites. Observe:

Pledge: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…One nation under God”

USA: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”

There is no reconciliation between using the government to promote theistic religion and the idea that peoples’ free exercise is not being prohibited. You can’t love America and love the Pledge.

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