Tuesday, October 13, 2009

On the Sabbath day, God said, let thy be beach bums!

Day of rest? Nonsense. Ain’t no rest for the wicked! And by no rest, I literally mean, no rest. Home at midnight from Cirque, in bed by 12:30am… next thing I know, the cell phone alarm is going off right on 5am. Rise and shine! Oyyy, can you say ‘sleep deprivation?’ Eye lids so heavy. Must keep eyes opened. Must not fall asleep in shower… zZzZzZz!

Sunday was the day we made the two hour road trip out to Melbourne, Florida to visit Sebastian Inlet State Park.

Sebastian Inlet State Park - Melbourne, Florida

Melbourne. So familiar yet worlds apart. Nothing like the Melbourne I call home. In case you are having trouble catching on, yes, there is a Melbourne in Florida. Yes, it is amazingly beautiful, but nothing will ever be as beautiful as my Melbourne. Yes, I may be slightly bias, but still, nothing compares!

The pier at Sebastian Inlet Beach

Sebastian Inlet was so gorgeous and quite picturesque; the sand was white, the ocean, turquoise blue in colour, and the sun, a sizzling 95 degrees of awesomeness. Our surroundings were something you see right off a postcard. I was rather pleased with how many of my photographs turned out. I especially enjoy the one to the left. We headed out to the main strip of beach to sink our feet into the sand, frolic in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean and take in the morning rays of sun. The early morning ocean air was crisp and refreshing.

We headed over to a more enclosed area to do some fishing off the rocks. It was only early but the sun was already beaming down on my sun-neglected body. I’d been out and about in the sun over the last few weeks, however I hadn’t been exposed to a full day of sizzling sun in quite a while. I could already feel the heat of the sun sinking into my skin. Call me crazy, but I love that warm feeling. It’s just so relaxing. There isn’t a thing I love more than a boiling hot day!

Our first round of fishing was unsuccessful. Well, in a way, it was successful for me because I learned how to thread the bait onto my fishing hook and how to correctly cast my rod out. Now, I’m not tooting my own horn, but apparently I’m a fast learner… I caught on after being shown only once. Yeah, that’s how I roll… You better believe it!

We headed back to our lunch area and we were greeted with BBQ chicken legs, shrimp skewers, fresh BBQ corn cobs, hot dogs, potato crisps and fruit salad all eagerly waiting to enter our bellies.  OK, so maybe it wasn’t so much eager to enter my belly, but I really left it with no choice. Om nom nom nom. Delicious.

My amazing thong tan lines!

As the hours ticked away, I marveled at how much my thong tan lines had darkened. So much prettier than that pasty white colour I was when I left Australia back in June! I’ve forgotten what cold weather feels like and I am perfectly OK with this. Notice I am sitting in the shade for my tan lines photo… shade, be off with you! Back to find a spot on the rocks to fish from.

This one little bugger of a fish kept stealing the bait right off my rod without getting hooked.  UGHHH! I felt my IQ drop ten points everytime this fish, maybe the size of my hand, could outsmart me and take the bait right from my hook without me feeling the slightest tug on my rod! Shifty fish, eh? I guess you want to play the hard way. It’s OK… I have plenty of bait and all the time in the world. It’s on, mate! I waited patiently. Nothing. Gathered my line and cast it back out again. Once… twice… three times…and then…

TUG, TUG, TUG! EEEEEE! You little ripper…

My first ever catch at Sebastian Inlet, Melbourne, Florida.

I was one happy camper!

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