Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chicago - Catchup and Condo Rules

Hells bells I have been slack. 3 weeks without a blog entry, I so must correct that.

Well lots has been happening including, finally, exchanging contracts on the house. I think this is the point of no return so from 1st October we will be the proud owners of a near 200 year old 4 storey semi-detached in AvonCliff in Somerset. How very fabulous and so enticing I can barely hardly wait to move home. Realistically though we have at least another year in Chicago which is fab because we actually adore Chicago. However, as soon as our tenants move out I shall have to be spending much more time in England than Chicago. When that day comes it means we will have to repatriate our dog Daisy from her loving foster parents in Luxembourg and start to become a complete family with garden and friends and walking all over again. I can’t wait.

Daisy Looking gorgeous

Above you can see one of the final pictures of Daisy when we left her in Luxembourg. Such a fine beast. Sounds really soppy but we miss her so much, they become such a part of your life, as you would expect, but it was better for her to stay in Luxembourg anyway we think. Not that we had a choice. When we moved to Chicago we found out at the last minute that the condo association in our building had a weight limit of 30lbs. A completely arbitrary limit and doesn’t take into account the viciousness of small dogs or breeds. We fought the ruling but obviously you can’t beat condo associations and their unreasonable rules like that. Obviously I understand the rules and to be honest it wouldn’t have been a problem if we had known about them before we bid for the job as we wouldn’t have bid. But our predecessors did not correctly update the report telling us about the apartment rules and the like so we applied.

Daisy as a puppy

To say we were massively unimpressed by this omission is an understatement especially as I found the Condo Association letter outlining the rule change, re dog weights in the apartment after we moved in, so they had the information. Grrrrrrr…. 3 years without our dog because someone didn’t update the post information, how very thoughtless. Lesson to everyone there in future, never take anything for granted and triple check every piece of information about a move. I think if I had known how much it would have affected us especially with me not being able to work which is another story, we would have taken our second choice, not that we don’t adore Chicago but well it split the family up. God rambling thoughts here on a public forum. Time to hit the gym I think.

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