Thursday, September 24, 2009

Computer Hardware Dilemma - Does Technology Always Supersede Law?

Today we create Supercomputers that can make 100s of teraflops of calculation by not years, months, weeks or days, not hours or minutes, no, seconds. With such incredible computer hardware we have a dilemma, because we now that computers can help humans control the stock market, currency, political decisions, and the life of every man, woman and child, and do not think this one minutes Computer technology will not be used for that.Interestingly enough, an advanced thinker in the science of virtual reality noted that "technology, Computer, Technology, always prevails over law," ah ha, good point, but is he correct? Think about it, in almost every aspect of human endeavor that happens, if you generally do not need a law to a problem. So, why should the technology be different? And it would not suffice to say, his wisdom is very much on target.Should we make, Computer, Technology, laws with, Computer, Technology, respect to the use of supercomputers to foretell, or create them? Should we allow people to have control of such absolute power? Oh, did you here you have not, "absolute power corrupts absolutely." Yes, another fine quote hanging so timeless wisdom from the annals of history.Should we make, Computer, Technology, rules so prior to the issue or challenge? Because if we do, and people often do, we should also not that once you create a rule, you can eliminate potential innovation capacity or at least slow down, which is dangerous to think ahead. Too, Computer, Technology, much structure (rules) can strangle the concept of freedom to innovate. Think this topic is too far from there? Well, not children themselves, there are AI software design teams making programs for businesses, governments and the military now.

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